The Restoration Trust, a
mental health charity, has discovered that exploring the case
histories of patients in 19th century lunatic asylums, or sensory
immersion in ancient landscapes, reignites the curiosity and love of
life of people suffering from mental health issues. Refocussing early
intervention and prevention away from institutions, and into
communities, has helped overcome exclusion from cultural assets that
belong to us all. The Trust calls this approach ‘culture therapy’, and
aims to make it everyday good practice throughout the UK by 2027.
I began as a participant
in the Trust’s Burgh Castle Almanac community group, but with the
onset of lockdown in 2020, I suggested writing a blog about music to
stimulate and divert Trust members, which I did for 200 consecutive
days. On the strength of that, I was asked to write and design a
regular newsletter for the Trust. From there, I have been made
responsible for the online and print marketing of the Burgh Castle
Almanac Experience group, as well as the design of one-off
publications like Dr Hills’ Casebook – The Anthology.
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